Jorge Páez: “ Digital product design must keep people at the forefront, to bring them intrinsic value ”

Jorge Páez is one of the youngest product designers at Alegre Design. He joined the team three years ago after graduating in Industrial Design in the United States and he is in charge of the American market, where our studio is developing different projects, including the design and engineering of the Movably Pro Chair.
“When we work with clients in the USA, there is a real sense of a partnership, of working on a solution together. There is a constant back and forth dialogue to find the best result. Every detail must be very well-thought-out, there must be a reason behind everything. American companies lean more towards high-quality designs that are beneficial for the long term. Also, it is a very competitive market”, according to Jorge Páez.
His love for design started when he was very young, even if he didn’t know then what design was. “I always played around with Legos, but I wouldn’t stick to the instructions. I would always come up with different ideas for the same set of toys. I was fascinated with products, but Math wasn’t my strong suit so becoming an engineer wasn’t an option. My mother figured out what industrial design was and guided me toward becoming a designer”, he explains.

Now that digitalization is increasingly present in all markets and industries, the design must embrace this new era of digital product design. “When it comes to digital product design, it is crucial that we keep people at the forefront. We must focus on creating something truly beneficial to the user, not something that is just entertainment. We must bring them intrinsic value”, he considers.
He learned very early in his career that to bring successful projects to the end line, it is essential to surround yourself with people that inspire you and that push you beyond your limits. This flexibility is very useful when it comes to digital product design but also in any area of design. As a designer, his ability to visualize a product in his head before he puts any pen to paper comes in handy.
“Being able to have a very detailed idea in my head helps me become a better designer. In the end, the final solution is the result of a thoughtful and extensive process, but it is helpful to understand, very early on, what the client wants and what the situation needs”, he adds.