We are an innovation design company committed to giving value to people.
The market and society are constantly changing and moving. And so are we. We are permanently seeking new perspectives and ideas to redefine services, products and experiences, providing value and innovation and creating a new future for people. We inspire change through design.
We are Alegre Design
Andres Baldoví and Marcelo Alegre have worked together for more than 20 years, ensuring a cohesive and effective approach in guiding clients through the development of their products and delivering an accurate design vision. Working across different industries during this time has allowed them to cultivate intuition, gain perspective, and acquire knowledge of the complexities of our globalized world.
New solutions and uses
For more than twenty years we have faced new challenges in product design on a daily basis. This has resulted in a great diversity of collaborations in industrial sectors worldwide. This experience, acquired in each project, allows us to transfer knowledge between industries and cultures. With this, we contribute innovation, new technologies, processes and experience in sectors that want to look beyond what they do every day.
Our added value
We take on products which increase the company’s worth thanks to its originality and efficiency and expertise.
We work on all the areas of the product and study its supply chain, which enables us to provide creative solutions in all the stages of the manufacturing process.
Make it matter
We understand design as a global concept that encompasses more than just style, it has the potential to create realistic solutions for the product’s lifespan: from the production process itself, the sustainability of its manufacturing, the use efficiency, the user interface or its environmentally-friendly materials.
Alegre Design S.L. Ha sido cofinanciado por el IVACE para la Digitalización del estudio para la adaptación al teletrabajo debido a la situación extraordinaria de la COVID-19.
Proyectos de Digitalización de Pyme (Digitaliza-CV Teletrabajo) 2021
IVACE | No Expediente: IMDIGB/2021/95
Suport a la promoció exterior de la Comunitat Valenciana 2022
Import rebut: 11.689,62 €