New awards for Zero and Dida

Emuca’s Zero collection has been recognized with a Red Dot Design Award in the Best Product Design Award. Also, our design Dida chair for Federico Giner has become the winner in the Contract Furniture category in the awards granted by the Valencian Designers Association (ADCV). A few months ago, Zero received an ICONIC Award whereas Dida was distinguished with a German Design Award.
Designed with Emuca, Zero was conceived as a modular space management system with endless possibilities when it comes to structures and elements. Also, it does not require any tools or screws for assembly. This is Alegre Design’s second Red Dot Design Award after Actiu’s TNK A500 chair received this award in 2012.
Zero includes a new technical solution developed by the Emuca team which supports shelves, modules, and hanging bars. The Zero system is built on new technology that attaches hardware to a vertical profile made by Emuca. Our job as designers has been to integrate into the design both this technical solution and the mechanism that allows the profiles to be incorporated into the system.
For us, it is very gratifying that the prestigious Red Dot Design Award has highlighted the innovation that Zero brings from a design point of view. And it validates our professional mission: to bring innovation to people and to create value for companies.

Our CEO, Marcelo Alegre, had the honor of accepting this award on behalf of our studio at the award ceremony that took place in Essen (Germany).

As for Dida’s ADCV Award, the jury highlighted that Dida, manufactured by school furniture specialist Federico Giner, “brings exactly what it promises: versatility and a comfort that the user feels grateful for”. Dida improves mobility, hygiene, and well-being in educational environments, which ensures comfort and takes into account news active learning methodologies.
It was designed with plastic injection technology in mind to improve resistance and to make production processes simpler.
Dida’s Gold Award in the Contract Furniture category was the result of a thorough review process that analyzed over 550 design proposals. Around 60 winners were announced during the award ceremony, in which office furniture manufacturer Actiu, a company that we are working with for about 20 years; received the Innovation Honorary Award.
Some of the products that we have designed for Actiu include Talent, Noom, and TNK Flex.