
Designing the future of automated shopping

  • Product JuliusTEC
  • Customer Carttec
  • Sector Consumer Electronics
  • Services Product Design
    Trend Research

Introducing JuliusTEC, the shopping cart robot that improves the supermarket experience by assisting customers throughout their shopping journey and accompanying them along the way.

  • Product JuliusTEC
  • Customer Carttec
  • Sector Consumer Electronics
  • Services Product Design
    Trend Research
'JulusTEC' autonomous cart, product design, Alegre Design, Carttec

Our challenge

An approachable and inviting appearance, combined with ergonomic design

Carttec, a Spanish company dedicated to distributing supermarket equipment, teamed up with Alegre Design to improve the future shopping experience with their innovative shopping cart robot. Our challenge was to create an approachable and inviting appearance for this automated shopping cart. To achieve this, we carefully studied every component and all use cases to implement a holistic user experience.

JuliusTEC features advanced mapping technology for precise and safe autonomous navigation, obstacle detection technology for enhanced safety, and smart accessories for real-time customer tracking.

'JulusTEC' inteligent cart, Industrial design, Alegre Design, Carttec

All parts work in harmony to achieve the greatest accessibility for a very wide range of potential users

Spacing module
'JulusTEC' prototype, Industrial design, Alegre Design, Carttec
'JulusTEC' sketches, Industrial design, Alegre Design, Carttec

Extensive studies were made to determine the ideal dimensions and volumes

Spacing module
'JulusTEC' prototype, product design, Alegre Design, Carttec
'JulusTEC' robot, product design, Alegre Design, Carttec


Consideration was given to the design and placement of both functional and aesthetic components

The final design incorporates enhanced user experience through pleasing gestures and softer forms. Integrated lift handles facilitate transportation and operation by customers and maintenance employees. Performance, reliability, and efficiency reflect Carttec and Alegre Design’s commitment to technology and industrial design innovation.

Ergonomics were fundamental in its development, ensuring comfort and accessibility for all users, while housing for electronic components and technical requirements were meticulously considered.

'JulusTEC' exploded view , product design, Alegre Design, Carttec
'JulusTEC' shopping cart, industrial design, Alegre Design, Carttec
'JulusTEC' autonomous, product design, Alegre Design, Carttec

Design journey

An inclusive new standard in supermarket automation, for all customers

JuliusTEC includes seamlessly integrated lighting and adequate emergency systems for user protection. Two basket sizes, defined by market analysis, cater to different user needs. Customizable colorways and distinct branding areas facilitate easy identification and adaptation to each supermarket’s needs. Anti-spill channels ensure easy liquid evacuation, simplifying cleaning and maintenance.

With JuliusTEC, Carttec addresses the needs of a dynamic shopping experience by providing a cart that adapts to users’ requirements. Its innovative design allows autonomous navigation, eliminating the need for physical interaction.

'JulusTEC' accesible, product design, Alegre Design, Carttec
'JulusTEC' accesible cart, product design, Alegre Design, Carttec

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